It's windy and cold and I'm keeping cozy by the fire... on the stove.
The last "meal" I cooked for the husband and myself was a bowl of oatmeal that ended horribly for us and the fly that died in my meager cooking. That was about a month ago and I can't stand to think about what Suze Orman would say about our habit of only eating out, plus I feel bad that I get to eat at work, while husband sits at home nibbling on dried fruit and nuts like a little squirrel person.
So I've got some Josh Groban blasting (what, he's totally awesome and appropriate for housewife activities) and I'm going to attempt to stockpile some food for the week to make Dan and Suze proud. And me too of course.
Oh - aaaaand there's a load of laundry in the washer... If I didn't know better I might think I'm a domestic goddess.
So far all I have going are these eggs... but I'm optimistic.

Well hey, boiled eggs are loaded with protein and important vitamins. So you can pat yourself on the back that at least what you've made is very healthy. Now, if you start cracking them into a glass and leaving that in the refrigerator for him to drink I suppose that might be weird. Unless you were trying to hint that you wanted him to try bodybuilding or something. But yeah, maybe even then.