Bite size back story: My entire life the word vegan has made me think of insane people who must not like enjoyment. When defending my choice to be a vegetarian I would always follow with "but I'd never be vegan. That's just severe." I remember my mom talking about her California family and saying things like "ohhhh, they got all california ..." (aka, they're hippies and a tiny bit strange.) To be fair to my mother, she also took a TM (aka really crazy meditations shit) class so she can't be that far behind them in hippie-dom.
Present day: I am a two week old vegan. Ohhhh, I'm such a cute little baby vegan. Like my decision to become a veggie, it happened cold turkey and because of a book. Could I have ever imagined all those years back when watching Clueless that Cher would turn me into a no-cheese-person? Well, in the words of the teen icon, meat and cheese is way harsh. And look at her, she's pretty hot.
Side note: any vegans out there that have suggestions on how to get through the holidays without cheese for my wine, speak now. Connecticut women are really serious about wine and cheese.
In an effort to convert BF (not because I like converting; because I don't want him to have a heart attack. Also, seeing abs would be nice) I took him to see a documentary about all this food shizzle. I won't lecture here ... mainly because I'd get facts wrong ... but if you're at all interested in finding out more check out the doc FORKS OVER KNIVES when it comes out.
On to the major problem at hand - I need to figure out a way to not eat rice and beans the rest of my life. Both because it's boring and because I'm starting to smell. Plus, I impulsively emailed my family that I would be making vegan thanksgiving ... and then realized I don't know how to make vegan anything, never mind the mother of all entertaining holidays.
My solution - SPORKS COOKING CLASS! Yee-haw, cute vegan sisters who teach class ... honestly, it was amazing-ness. You know that peaceful tingly feeling you get at the end of a yoga class? (good yoga class. not gym yoga) Well, these gals give you that feeling.

Here was their menu:
- Cranberry Cornbread with Whipped Lemon Butter
- Maple Candied Yams with a Marshmallow Topping
- Mini Spiced Pumpkin Bundt Cakes with a Chocolate Ganache
Let me start by saying - I hate pumpkins. Let me end by saying - I thought I hated pumpkins. Crazy awesome pumpkin bundt cakes. Everything else was crazy awesome too ... just thought I'd single out the desert. Since they cooked and I just watched, I don't have any embarrassing stories about how I didn't know what "slice the carrots" meant. I shall update with that post, post holidays. (ohhh, I love to be able to use the same word with a different meaning like that!)
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