Confession of the day: I am addicted to deal sites. And by addicted I mean, I spend a shit load of money on things that I would otherwise not need but since they're half off I must have. (excuse the run on sentence please.)
I tried to cut down on these deals but I started to get the shakes as I let them slip by ... so my new justification:

Just in time to for todays Groupon ... ARTS AND CRAFTS!! Okay, okay, it's not really domestic duties. But if I limit myself to taking classes like knitting or crocheting it is ... right? My theory is that a complete woman should know how to make a baby blanket at a gift for a friend. I can't let my friends babies go around sleeping under store bought blankets. In my mind I can make this pile of awesomeness that I found at the PURL BEE site.
Confession #2 of the day: I've actually taking a crocheting class at HANDS ON 3RD before. It was really great ... I was just really, really bad. I was also the only one there alone. I guess most girls do that kind of thing for girly bonding?? Anyone want to make me feel better and come with? If you do I'll buy you coffee after ... and knit your kid a blanket ... GET THE DEAL HERE!
I've been using Living Social pretty often as an app on my phone. It's way too easy to just get the deal. $5 movie tickets was my entrance.