Before you get all "how dare you want to be a housewife" on us, let's get this out of the way: we have jobs. We love our careers. And that's kind of the problem ... how the hell do you do all the stuff that you're supposed to as a woman/wife/girlfriend/person while still doing your full time job that leaves you tired at night? Or are we the only ones who just don't get it?
Let's rewind 12 hours:
My boyfriend and I went to dinner last night with a recently engaged couple. Half way through the wife-to-be telling me about her day, I started to shrink in my chair. If the wine hadn't been $14 a glass, I would have ordered two more glasses to chug.
- wake up. Complain .
- try to work out. This in itself felt like an accomplishment. Boyfriend and I make it to the gym by 8 which for us is a huge deal. I last 20 minutes on the treadmill.
- go to work
- lunch break aka gossip time
- come home and take dog out for short walk. Ooops, forgot to buy him food. I can do that tomorrow, right?
- go on the internet and look at dumb blogs that serve no purpose (or do they?)
- decide to go out to dinner because we haven't grocery shopped and we're too lazy to figure it out.
- sleep
Here was her typical day:
- wake up
- prep dinner for she and her and fiance (this is where I start sweating ...)
- go to work
- go to gym at lunch break and get work done while on treadmill for the whole hour
- come home and make beautiful, mouth watering dinner that she had prepped that morning
- serve fiance cheese while cooking
- watch a TV show and discuss
- sign up for a class to better herself
- peacefully go to sleep
Where did I go wrong? I have a very capable role model of a mother who managed to work, raise 5 kids, feed us, seem like she was around a lot, keep the house clean ... I guess I just didn't pick up anything from her?
So that's it - I must figure it out. I must figure out how to do all of this stuff and still have time to decompress in a calming yoga class. You know, because I don't break a sweat - it's just sooooo easy for me. (a girl can dream.)
Plus, I want to be a woman you want as a wife. There, I said it.